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What is an enduring Power of Attorney An enduring Power of Attorney authorizes someone to look after the legal and financial affairs of another person (the "donor") in British Columbia. It is valid for the time it is granted and becomes void upon the death of the donor. It can be used immediately and stays valid if the donor later becomes incapable of caring for his or her legal and financial affairs. It is an important and valuable tool to allow designated person(s) to look after your legal and financial matters in British Columbia in the event that you become incapacitated as the result of a car accident, having a stroke, developing Alzheimer's disease, etc. Can I use a Notary Public to have my enduring Power of Attorney prepared? Yes, in British Columbia, Notaries Public are trained to prepare these documents and do so on a regular basis in their day to day practices. i do have available a questionnaire to guide you in making decisions in preparing a Power of Attorney and would be pleased to provide one to you should you wish to appoint an Attorney or Attorneys to handle your financial and legal affairs.